Optimal Results Begin Here.
Before you can proceed with booking, you must agree to the following pre-care requirements.
A doctor’s note is required if…
1. You take blood thinners and/or steroids.
2. You are nursing or pregnant.
3. You are diabetic.
4. You are receiving chemotherapy.
5. You are on Accutane.
Stop taking these blood thinners…
1. No caffeine the day of
2. No alcohol for 24 hours prior
3. No aspirin or ibuprofen for 3 days prior
4. No fish oils for 7 days prior
Skincare Restrictions
1. Area cannot be sunburnt
2. No facial waxing for 3 days prior
3. No glycolic or retinol on forehead for 1 week prior
4. No Botox (brow/eyeliner clients) or lip filler (lip clients) for 2 weeks prior
5. No chemical peels or laser treatments for 4 weeks prior
If you do not adhere to these pre-care requirements and it is determined during your session that you are not a good candidate for the procedure, you will be charged a $150 fee for the loss of the Artist’s time.